Photoblogs today!!!!
Today was an English trip to BATH! So- myles(my canon) had fun exploring, and so did i!
NB: i'm totally digging the vintage processing right now- that's the only reason why i've done them like this! haha
Before we left, i wanted to get some shots of my Giggle Gang Gal!
shot at backwell school (ones with me were taken by farmerlindsey!)
Then! When we got to Bath, I dragged a few people around to find a doorway, here's the one Vicky Brown chose to be shot at!!! I love Vicky Brown!
(ones with me in were taken by my dear friend Abi- that's her in the first one!)

oh no!
i totally forgot to get some photos of charles after the show!!!
i'm sorrrrrry man- we'll have to set some time aside at school or something!!!

well, there's the one, i shot just before the play started.