Sunday, 25 November 2007

I've got Lomo fever!!!!

Oh deary me!
i want a holga so bad- it's like eating at my soul! hahahaaa.
here are my favourite shots from flickr of Vespas that have been taken with a lomo(in most cases)
my life actually revolves around;
vespa, photography, LOMO.
And this is one I took with a Broncia Medium Format;

Saturday, 17 November 2007

journal crazy!

so- i've been quite busy with my crafting side lately!!! :D
first off! i've got two new scrappages to show you!
i got elsie's book of 52 challenges for my birthday, here's my response to the first one!!

and a few of my favourite journal pages of late;

hope you like :D

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

the party post.

as requested by a few of these lovely subjects- all the good and wonderful and funny fabulous photographs from my 17th birthday party on the 3rd of Nov.

my friends are freakin' amazing!
all my love, -kimxx!!

Colour Photoshoot! (outtakes)

Yum photos from a Yum photoshoot with Yum girls!!!

date: oct 30th 2007.
models: Janey and Jess
styling: janey, jess and me Location: Studio K and Yatton.
weapon: Canon EOS 400D
editing: photoshop cs2.

This is for my 'Journey through the Colour Spectrum' for my A-level Photography! These are some of the outtakes and are in colour order, (the ones i've used for my project are posted on my flickr! )

We had alot of fun with quite a few different things! Janey is one of my favourite models, because she gives me about a hundered different expressions, and yet they are all really consistent and cute and wonderful! I also threw in here, an illustration i did of her for 'red'.
